Please complete

Dear Parent:

 Seneca Grade School would love to hear from YOU!

 You have been invited to complete the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey. The information you provide will help guide improvement as we strive to inspire each student to realize their potential through the education and opportunities we provide at Seneca Grade School. Your participation in this survey is voluntary but crucial. We can’t receive results from the survey unless at least 20 percent of parents respond. The more responses parents provide, the more we will know how to focus our efforts toward the improvements you want. Therefore, we have set a goal to reach an 80 percent response rate. Please help us reach our goal by completing the survey.

  •  Go to: to take the survey.
  • Select “Parent Survey.”
  • You may enter your email address if you would like to receive confirmation of your submission, but it is not required.
  • Then enter “LaSalle” into the county field and “Seneca Grade School” to find our school.

 You will then be asked a series of questions to provide input regarding your family’s experience here at Seneca Grade School. Please remember to click “submit” once you are done so your responses can be counted.

 Please know that your identity and responses will be kept confidential and will not be connected

with your child. If you have multiple children who attend Seneca Grade School, you may complete one survey for each child. However, only one parent per household may submit a survey for a given child. The survey closes on March 11, so please submit your responses soon!

 Thank you in advance for your time and input. We appreciate you!


SGS Administration