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Seneca Community Consolidated School District #170

174 Oak Street

Seneca, Illinois 61360

July 1, 2020                                                                   


Dear SGS Learning Community:

I hope everyone’s summer is going well. With July here and the start of school rapidly approaching, we wanted to update our families on the reopening of school for this fall.  Last week the Illinois State Board of Education released a guiding document to assist schools in their planning. A copy of this report can be accessed at the following link: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/Part-3-Transition-Planning-Phase-4.pdf

On July 2nd, a team of Seneca Grade School staff members representing our employee groups are meeting to discuss recommendations for reopening this fall.  We intend to survey staff and parents for additional feedback addressing several areas related to reopening school to weigh-in on the process.

As this next phase will generate questions and concerns, we are going to adhere to the following guiding principles that will serve as our focal point for developing a plan for returning to in-person learning:

  • Maintain the health and safety of all students and staff;
  • Provide meaningful and engaging learning experiences for all students;
  • Address the social-emotional needs of all students;
  • Provide clarity, consistency, and stability for all students and staff; and
  • Provide ongoing professional development for staff that address the learning needs unique to this time.

To begin our process, we have an initial survey we are asking all families to complete regarding the possible options for returning to instruction.  This is a quick 3 question survey that will be used to gauge what type of instruction you would prefer when school resumes.

  • Question 1 asks for child’s grade level (please complete a survey for each child attending SGS/This site allows you to complete one survey per device, computer, or cell phone)
  • Question 2 asks your preference on the 3 options for instruction.
    • 1) In-person learning (Child will attend school during regularly scheduled hours and would be required to wear a face mask and maintain social distancing guidelines)
    • 2) Remote Learning (Child will attend school at home using an electronic device to access curriculum and teacher instruction provided by SGS staff. Hours of instruction will mirror that of regular scheduled day and grades will be taken)
    • 3) Homeschool (Parent provides instruction and curriculum)
  • Question 3 asks if you intend to use SGS transportation if eligible.
  • Please complete the survey by July 7th at 3:00 PM.

Access the survey here: SGS Initial Survey

Thank you for your patience as we navigate these uncharted waters.



Seneca Grade School Administration

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